
  • Course Length: 24 Weeks (4 Quarters, 6 weeks each).

  • Price: $25 per student, per lesson.

  • Total Course Cost: $600


  • Student does NOT require any previous knowledge of chess

  • Student must be in at least grades 2 – 9 OR student must be able to read and write basic English upon entering the course.

  • No prior knowledge of chess is required

Course Description

This course provides students with a deep understanding of the basics such as board setup, piece movement, as well as giving students the opportunity to learn more abstract and complex topics such as check, checkmate, and discovered attacks. By the end of this course, students should be able to play a chess game with complete awareness of all official chess rules.

Lesson Components

1. WARMUP (5 - 10 MINUTES)

When students enter class, they are provided with a warmup to help recap the material learned in the previous lesson or in another unit. This warmup is 10 questions and is provided either on paper or through schoology (which ever the student prefers).

2. LESSON (15 - 25 MINUTES)

After students finish their warmup, students are taught a lesson. This lesson contains new material based on the course pacing guide. Students are provided a set of notes which they use to follow along. Students take this set of notes home for future studying and review.


Following the lesson, students are given 1 - 2 classwork assignments to reinforce the material presented. Classwork assignments require that students complete a worksheet in conjunction with practicing on a chess board. During this time, the instructor individually helps students with their needs and/or further questions on material.

4. FREE PLAY (35 - 50 MINUTES)

Free play is permitted to students who have finished all of their classwork and have turned in their homework assignments. Students are allowed to play against each other or against the instructor if he or she is not busy.

Sample Materials

Sample Set of Notes

A2 Notes PT.1 - Pawn, Rook, and Knight.pdf

The document above is provided to students on the first day of class as an introduction the first 3 chess pieces that students learn. As the instructor goes through the PowerPoint, students fill in the blanks with the appropriate pieces of information.

Sample Classwork Assignment

B Classwork 4 - En Passant & P. Promotion Worksheet.docx

The document above is an example of a classwork assignment. This assignment reviews the theory and rules of en passants and pawn promotion. A chess board accompanies students throughout the classwork to help understand difficult concepts.

Sample Homework Assignment

C Homework 3 - Notating Special Moves.docx

The document above is provided to students on the first day of class as an introduction the first 3 chess pieces that students learn. As the instructor goes through the PowerPoint, students fill in the blanks with the appropriate pieces of information.

Important Documents

Course Syllabus -- CLICK HERE TO VIEW

Unit Pacing Guide -- CLICK HERE TO VIEW

Student Parent Agreement Form -- CLICK HERE TO VIEW


To register for this class, please complete the following form with the appropriate information: